# C1 Broadleaved high forest
Photo: Woodland Trust
# Definition of landscape category
Broadleaved high forest - Areas greater than 0.25 ha, which are wider than 2Om and having a tree canopy cover of at least 20% by area. At least 80% of the canopy should be of broadleaved species.
Grown from seed or planted seedlings and consisting of large, tall mostly deciduous, broadleaved, mature trees with a closed canopy. This category includes ‘ancient’ semi-natural woodlands.
For this assessment no minimum mapping unit is applied.
# Aerial Definition
- Google photo sphere Millersdale Quarry (opens new window) Example of broadleaf trees in late autumn
# In the Peak District
These are the ancient, semi-natural woodlands and include the deciduous plantation woodland plantings which meet the criteria. They are found throughout the Peak District both natural and semi natural plantations.