# H1 Built-up land: urban area (a)
# Definition of landscape category
H1 Built-up land - Three sub-categories are identified:
H1a Urban land - areas of buildings, including gardens, car parks, etc., and urban open spaces such as parks, playing fields, etc. Any settlement consisting of more than one group of buildings will be included.
H1b Major transport routes - transport routes which cover a significant area, defined as multi- carriageway roads, functioning multi-track railways, railyards, and airports. Grass verges obviously associated with the transport route are included.
H1c Minor transport routes - transport routes that do not qualify as H1b (e.g., roads, streets).
&&H1d Urban greenspace** - this includes intensively managed green areas within urban areas such as sport fields, playgrounds and golf courses.
This data has been sourced from Ordnance Survey: https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/blog/all-about-os-mastermap-topography-layer (opens new window)