# Delivery Plan
This section sets out the actions that partners will implement working together to help achieve the objectives under each aim. The same numbering has been used in the delivery plan as in the aims and objectives section, so it is easy to cross-refer between the objectives and the actions that follow.
It is not the intention of the plan to duplicate or outline what others are already doing but to add value by focusing our attention on the main priorities for action. Therefore, the delivery plan does not include all current activity that supports National Park purposes, but outlines the added benefits that partnership working brings.
Although the Management Plan is a five-year document, the delivery plan is not a static element, as we must be able to reflect the changing environment and take advantage of opportunities as they arise over the next five years. To ensure it is up to date, where appropriate, we will develop additional critical success factors as they become known to deliver the objective. This is particularly the case where initial actions need to be undertaken before further steps can be developed. We will also remove delivered actions and add ones as existing actions are delivered. This will ensure we maintain the necessary partnership momentum in every objective. Therefore, this section of the Management Plan will be updated annually.
Photo: Tom Marshall